I love the mental alertness from energy drinks, and I love staying in shape. So I went down the rabbit hole to find out which energy drinks are the best when trying to keep the weight off. Disclaimer: I have to clearly state that there is no magic drink that will help you lose weight without a balanced diet, active lifestyle, and proper rest.
The mental boost and alertness energy drinks give me keeps me going when doing physical activities to lose weight. Here’s how I spot a weight loss-promoting energy drink. I look for energy drinks with little to no carbohydrates, AKA sugars, and low Calories.
That’s it simple as that! Or is it?
Being bombarded with marketing and so many energy drink options makes it hard to decide. You’re in luck, thankfully, we have compiled a list of three energy drinks that can help you on your weight loss journey.
Here are my top 3 energy drink picks:
- Guru Energy Drink
- True North Energy Seltzer
- Celsius Energy Drink
Here are 3 to avoid if you want to lose weight (Learn why below)
- Red Bull Energy
- Monster Energy
- Rock Star Energy
If you are trying to stay healthy or lose weight and are not sure if you can drink energy drinks on your weight loss journey or if you need to know the ideal energy drink that helps in losing weight, especially with an influx of a huge market of these highly sought drinks, thankfully we have compiled a list of three energy drinks that helps in losing weight.
After you finish reading this article, check out another one I wrote where I list my top picks for healthy energy drinks for this year.
Energy Drink | Serving Size | Calories | Sugar |
Guru Energy | 355 ml | 115 | 30 g |
True North Energy Seltzer | 355 ml | 0 | 0 |
Celsius Energy | 355 ml | 10 | 0 |
1. Guru Energy Drink
It is a richly endowed organic energy drink designed to cater to health-conscious individuals. It’s rich in natural elements and nutrients to keep you going through the day, and the best part is, you don’t have to worry about adding an extra pound to your weight with a serving of this drink.
Although Guru has a considerable amount of sugar, it made it to the top of my list due to it being more palatable to me than the other 2 zero sugar energy drinks on my list.
It has a considerable amount of caffeine, calories, carbohydrate, and other organic and healthy ingredients.
It’s loaded with Organic green tea leaf extract, citric acid, Sparkling water, natural flavors, organic cane syrup, organic echinacea flower extract, organic white grape juice concentrate, and organic Panax ginseng root extract.
It has 100mg of caffeine to keep you active, alert, and improve your exercises.
Each can of this drink has about 80 calories, which is perfect for your weight loss journey.
In contrast to frizzy drinks or other energy drinks, Guru Energy drink doesn’t overload you with excess calories.
Furthermore, the sugar in Guru energy drinks is obtained from organic cane syrup. This is a healthy version compared to synthetic sugar. A can of the drink contains 2g of cane sugar.
With Guru energy drink, you don’t have to deal with the hazardous effects of consuming too much sugar, such as weight gain, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes mellitus amongst others.

I do prefer the taste of the class Red Bull, but Guru has really grown on me. So much so I’ve ordered my 2dn variety pack.
Ingredients and their benefits
This richly flavored drink is made up of organic ingredients that include:
Green Tea extracts
This natural ingredient helps in reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.
Green tea has been generally known to help with weight loss. It keeps you full, and you won’t have to eat often.
It’s a natural ingredient, and you don’t have to worry about any hazardous effects as you try to lose weight.
Echinacea flower extract.
It’s a natural herb that tackles inflammation and helps in fighting against infection.
Guarana seed extracts.
It is highly loaded with antioxidants that help detoxify the body.
It is a quick energy booster that reduces fatigue.
Just like Echinanecea, this is also an herb that has enormous health benefits. It boosts the energy level, reduces inflammation, and helps in preventing hyperglycemia.
2. True North Energy Drink
This “magic drink” is one of the healthiest options you can choose amongst the wide range booming market of energy drinks. It’s loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and other natural ingredients, which include zinc gluconate, green tea extract, citric acid, vitamins a and b, organic guayusa extract, organic green coffee caffeine, carbonated water, organic Panax ginseng extract, and natural flavors.
What do the ingredients do?
These ingredients improve our general health and help in promoting weight loss.
Zinc Gluconate is particularly necessary for those with a Zinc deficiency or individuals that feed on diets with low Zinc.
Generally, Zinc improves digestion and metabolism.
Organic green tea extract helps in reducing weight. This ingredient will help you stay fit and shed all the calories that you desire.
Vitamin C, also known as Ascorbic acid, is an essential supplement that promotes wound healing and repair. It’s good for the skin and good hair growth.
Vitamin B5 helps in digesting carbohydrates and fats rapidly. Thus, helps in weight loss and promotes vitality and fitness.
The caffeine in this drink is quite different because you would often find synthetic caffeine in other energy drinks. True north energy drink contains organic caffeine which is natural and a healthier version.
Organic Guayusa Extract is a super-rich antioxidant that enhances mood.
Compared, to most energy drinks around, True North energy drink can keep you in an ecstatic mood all day long.
The greatest win is that you don’t have to worry about loading yourself with too much sugar or carbs when you drink True North energy drink.
It has zero sugar and carbs, making it stand out from the others.
Also, it metabolizes accumulated sugar and carbs in the body.
3. Celsius Energy Drink
It is a popularly known and well-embraced weight loss drink that has an excellent blend of ingredients that promotes general well-being and healthy weight.
Why Celsius?
The natural and effective ingredients have tremendous health benefits, which include improved metabolism, weight loss, and lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Ginger Roots helps in reducing obesity and losing weight. According to this journal ,2g of ginger powder consumed in 3 months was highly beneficial for weight loss with evident results.
Green Tea is famous for its slimming effects. The green tea extract in Celsius energy drink is loaded with catechins, which helps in weight loss. It also helps in lowering cholesterol. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Guarana improves metabolism. Additionally, it promotes mitochondrial biogenesis which plays a vital role in maintaining our weight. Here, it states that It tackles obesity by damaging brown fat tissue.
Chromium promotes the metabolism of carbs, protein, and fats.
You can always drink a can of Celsius energy drink before your workout session.
Can you lose weight by drinking energy drinks?
The most important factor that should influence your choice of energy drink is the ingredients, especially if you intend to shed some weight.
Because the ingredients play a major role in your weight loss journey.
Constituent of an energy drink.
Generally, energy drinks have some key ingredients which include.
This ingredient constitutes a major portion of an energy drink.
Caffeine is widely known to improve energy and enhance vitality. It helps you in staying physically and mentally alert. Thus, increasing your energy and concentration level throughout the day.
It boosts metabolism and promotes the breakdown of fats.
Also, it actively stimulates the brain and nervous system.
It’s important to point out that consuming beyond the required limit can negatively impact your health.
Most energy drinks have a high content of about 200-300mg of caffeine. You are expected to consume about 400mg daily. An overdose of caffeine can cause headaches, tachycardia, depression, Insomnia, Dizziness, and Headaches.
Therefore, it’s expected that you check the caffeine content of any energy drink you consume.
How does it promote weight loss?
Caffeine, a vital ingredient in energy drinks boosts our metabolism. This helps in maintaining your weight.
It’s an established fact that caffeine is a major constituent of supplements and medications used for weight loss.
Additionally, it provides additional energy to actively engage in exercises. Thus, you can burn more fat in the process.
This means you can drink an energy drink before you work out.
Lots of energy drinks are loaded with sugar in their formula. However, sugar can increase calorie levels and cause excess weight gain.
Therefore, if you intend to lose more fat, you should crosscheck and consume only energy drinks with less or zero sugar formula.
There are a lot of energy drinks with zero sugar, and they are beneficial and healthy for you as you navigate through your weight loss journey.
Just like everything we consume, many energy drinks contain calories.
The quantity of calories you consume affects your body weight.
Weight gain or loss is determined by the calories consumed or lost.
Simply put, if you take in more calories than you shed off, your weight will increase. If you are unable to cut off 200- 400 calories from your meals or you shed them off during exercise, it will be practically impossible to lose weight.
We are expected to consume 2000-2500 kcal per day to stay healthy. However, it varies depending on diverse factors such as age, sex, and general condition or health of the individual.
This means if you consume energy drinks that are loaded with excessive calories, you will have a rapid weight gain. You should ensure that you consume energy drinks with low or zero calories.
Vitamins and Minerals.
They contain lots of vitamins and minerals depending on the brand.
These ingredients and other organic ingredients are good for overall health.
3 Energy Drinks to Avoid if You’re Serious About Weight Loss
As much as I enjoy these 3 drinks, the main reason they are going on my list is due to the sugars.
This assessment is based on each drink’s original formula and doesn’t include sugar-free alternatives.
Energy Drink | Serving Size | Calories | Sugar |
Red Bull | 355 ml | 160 | 38 g |
Monster | 473 ml | 210 | 54 g |
Rock Star | 473 ml | 260 | 61 g |
Should you drink energy drinks while on diet?
Unarguably, most energy drinks contain an excessive quantity of sugar. Nevertheless, there are healthier options for energy drinks that have zero or low sugar content, just like the ones listed in this article.
Consuming these brands will not disrupt your diet plan or make you gain weight.
You can include your energy drinks in your diet plan.
It’s safe to say that energy drinks contain some essential ingredients that are good for weight loss. Alongside the perfect meal plan, and exercises, the above energy drinks will help you achieve your weight loss goals.