Currently, there are many different energy drinks aimed at gamers on the market. They are marketing themselves as the drink for gamers and a great pick-me-up between rounds. But is Gatorade good for gaming? Or is it just a marketing scheme to get the enthusiast gamers to buy Gatorade products?
After a long gaming session, you may feel low on energy and dehydrated. Thus, drinking an energy drink like Gatorade to get your electrolytes up allows you to retain water better. One thing that sets apart Gatorade from other energy drinks is its lack of caffeine which diminishes some conventional health issues related to energy drinks.
Gatorade can have a great effect on your mental and physical performance that can help gamers get the competitive edge they need on long online gaming sessions. But learning about its side effects is also important to ensure you maintain moderation. So, read through the whole article to learn more about the advantages and precautions of boosting your gaming sessions with Gatorade.
Gaming and Conventional Energy Drinks
Before I talk more about Gatorade and what it can do for gamers, let’s look at what role energy drinks play when it comes to gaming.
Hydration is the act of absorbing water. The human body consists of 60% water, and it requires this water to perform various functions.
Thus, the human body needs sufficient water to utilize the brain to develop strategies and minor muscle movements necessary for various games. So, we can see the importance of staying hydrated and the role of energy drinks like Gatorade.
Caffeine can play a significant role in gaming as it acts as a stimulant, boosting reaction time and alertness. It speeds up your brain and allows you to process information faster and come up with strategies on the go.
Though caffeine can have advantageous effects on gamers it also comes with many health concerns. Such as, increasing your heart rate, which can be very dangerous. Especially considering most gamers are underaged and may be drawn to these drinks due to their unique gamer-centric branding style. Ideally, gaming drinks should not have more than 150 to 200 milligrams of caffeine. But, even that can cause issues as many gamers can chug down a full pack while being on long gaming lesions.
An energy drink’s taste also plays a significant role for gamers. After all, if you want to stay hydrated, you would drink something flavorful rather than something disgusting, chalky, or bland.
What Gatorade Has to Offer To Gamers
One of the main reasons Gatorade can be good for gaming is its electrolyte-richness. Electrolytes act like sponges in our blood that retains the water, allowing gamers to stay hydrated for longer gaming sessions.
Gatorade contains potassium and sodium naturally found in the body and some carbohydrates as well. On top of the electrolytes, being high in calories allows you to recover energy lost while gaming, providing gamers with a second wind.
Another plus point for Gatorade is the lack of caffeine, as it is a concern for most health professionals. This ensures gamers are getting the essential hydration they need without the bad effects of caffeine.
Is Gatorade Really for Gaming?
Energy drinks like Gatorade provide a quick energy boost after strenuous exercise. So, they can also help you re-energize for long gaming sessions as well.
It is due to the high number of calories and carbohydrates present in Gatorade. Thus, consuming it daily as your primary source of hydration can have a negative effect on your health.
So, Gatorade might be good for gaming but only under extreme conditions. For casual gaming, I do not recommend drinking Gatorade as often. Instead, hydrating with some water would be more than enough.
Best Sports Drinks for Gaming
However, if you are still craving an energy drink to get you through those long gaming sessions, I will go over some other beverages like Gatorade you can enjoy.
G-fuel is one the most popular energy drinks amongst gamers, helping them go round after round. Its popularity is due to its partnership with big streamers and brands like FaZe Clan.
Firstly, when you take a better look into G-fuel and its ingredients, you can tell it prioritizes good performance. However, it is limited as it only contains 2.79 grams of active ingredients per serving. As a result, you won’t get the desired level of endurance, focus, and energy. Ideally, you want this to be at 3 grams and above to get the best effects.
However, G-fuel does come out on top with its range of flavors. You can see G-fuel launching a new taste of drink almost every month. But some flavors can leave you wanting more. Another downside to this popular energy drink would be its chalkiness due to its coming in a powdered form.
In conclusion, G-fuel is an above-average energy drink targeted at gamers and should give you the boost you need. If you want to learn more about G-fuel, check out our article on which is better, G-fuel or Gatorade.
Caffeine: 160 milligrams
Total Active Per Serving: 2.79grams per serving
Cost/Serving: $.90 per serving
Rogue energy drink is one of the best energy drinks currently on the market, targeted at gamers. It has the most potent formula of any other drink now, having 3.5 grams of active ingredients per serving. Thus, providing you with more energy and focus-generating ingredients than any other drink on the market.
Rogue energy drinks would come with 175 grams of caffeine and 200 milligrams of L-theanine, commonly found in tea. Thus, providing you with a smooth energy boost and focus without the crash you can expect from most other sugary beverages.
Unlike G-fuel, it mixes pretty well. So, you do not need to worry about chalkiness or any other residue. Thus, you can put a container of it in the fridge and enjoy it later without worrying about any annoying residue forming at the bottom.
Rogue energy also comes in various unique flavors that taste as good as marketed. Providing a balanced sweet or sour taste that keeps you coming back for more. Thus, it is doing right what many other popular energy drinks fail to do.
Caffeine: 175 milligrams
Total Active Per Serving: 3.5grams per serving
Cost/Serving: $1 per serving
Ghost Gamer is a new line of energy drinks targeted at gamers. This line of energy drinks takes a different approach to the formula where they come in 40 servings, but it must be doubled. Thus, it is weaker when using one scoop. However, two scoops make it too chalky and more expensive per serving.
It is number two on this list when considering flavor profile due to collaborating with popular candy brands like warheads and sour patch kids.
Caffeine: 75 milligrams
Total Active Per Serving: 2.42grams per serving
Cost/Serving: $1 per serving
Monster Energy is the only canned energy drink on this list. The reason behind this being the only canned energy drink on this list is effectiveness.
Powdered energy drinks are more effective than canned drinks as you can pack in more ingredients in powder form. As a result, powdered beverages are far more effective than their canned counterparts like Monster when it comes to delivering active ingredients.
Thus, Monster provides caffeine and vitamin B in limited amounts to give you a minor boost in reaction time, focus, and endurance. However, due to its accessibility and excellent flavor, and being a household name, it earns its keep as a valid energy drink alternative.
Caffeine: 160 milligrams
Total Active Per Serving: less than 1gram per serving
Cost/Serving: $2.75 per serving
How To Make A Natural Energy Drink That Tastes Amazing?

You can make yourself some energy drinks by using the natural ingredients lying around your kitchen. You do not have to buy any organic soda or artificial energy drinks for this. Try following this simple recipe below. Click here to see the recipe!
Gatorade is good for gaming in many ways. It keeps you hydrated and gives you the energy to game on for longer without feeling tired. But, it can cause some health issues. So, be sure to keep track of how much you drink and you will be fine.
Thanks for reading and I hope this article was able to answer any questions you might have had on the benefits of drinking Gatorade for gaming.
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